Hey Gang, Don't know if you remember my World's Greatest Golden Age Heroes line from awhile back (The Face, The Owl) Here is the third addition, and in honor of Saint Patricks Day She just happens to be, Lady Luck! LL is an original McKenzie McKustoms creation featuring handmade dress, gauntlets, cape, green veil, and features re-painted CTVT shoes, and Wyatt Earp hat. The Head is Breyer, and the body is CTVT. Hope you like Her, and Happy St. Patty's to you and yours!
*For those not familar with the character here is a brief backstory from ComicVine..
In 1940, Will Eisner produced a special comic book section that was designed as an insert for Sunday newspapers around the country. The 16 pages of material consisted of an eight page Spirit story by Will Eisner, a four page Lady Luck story, initially by Dick French and Charles Mazoujian, and a four page Magician called Mr. Mystic. The green-clad heroine was later drawn by Nick Cardy, then taken over by Klaus Nordling, who became best known of her artists.
The character was part of the newspaper strip section until 1946, when it was eliminated as the section dropped to eight pages.The stories were reprinted by Quality Comics in the pages of SMASH COMICS and LADY LUCK COMICS until 1950. Since then, a few collector's editions have reprinted samples of the material.